My friend and I decided to try out WotLK Classic
Dec-13-2023 PSTCategories: WOW WoTLK ClassicMy friend and I decided to try out WotLK Classic, as he was in the mood for an MMO. Although I'm new to WoW, I've reached level 30 on my human warrior, primarily using whatever gear I come across. Recently, I discovered the potential to make money through disenchanting items, and I've ac... -
Help knowledge Raiding etiquette in pugs
Hi all, pretty new to the conventional revel in and been reallying playing it. I in most cases got down to most effective do dungeons because of time constraints and i have had a extraordinary time doing so. I wouldnt thoughts aleven though, doing some little bit of raiding, however with li... -
The nation of Gehennas EU proper now could be an absolute disgrace
If for a few purpose you had been residing beneathneath a rock, I’ll elaborate. Gehennas, EU’s biggest server has been unplayable beyond 2pm server time for the beyond four days. Massive lag spikes make doing something in recreation not possible. Handing in quests, seeking to promote ju... -
Why has prot war never been desirable
Jul-30-2022 PSTCategories: WOW WoTLK ClassicI've been wanting to play prot war my time playing classic, but everyone says they're not worth it. I don't care about what other people think, but it's a pain because I've never been invited to any groups due to it, and also hearing everyone's classes or spec and be as "well just wait till you're...