• Finding a Middle Ground for Map Rotation: Proposed Solutions

    The issue of map rotation in Dark and Darker has sparked much debate among players, with concerns ranging from map maturity to specific content availability. However, finding a middle ground that addresses these concerns while ensuring lobbies are consistently filled remains a challenge. Here are some proposed solutions to navigate this dilemma:1, Soft Rotation with IncentivesInstead of a rigid, enforced rotation, consider implementing a soft rotation system that offers incentives for playing ...

  • The issue of Warlocks in Dark and darker

    The issue of Warlocks having infinite resources requires immediate attention. For those who may not be familiar with the problem, prior to Patch #1, the ability of Warlocks to heal themselves infinitely wasn't as concerning, as curses would ultimately drain an enemy's HP and lead to their demise. While there were two instances of infinite healing loops (two Warlock teammates healing each other and a Warlock healing from a teammate Wizard's Arcane Barrier), they were relatively rar ...