WoW Cataclysm Classic – Deathwing Returns on May 20

With his hatred burning through the cavernous deeps, Deathwing prepares to return to Azeroth on May 20th with the launch of the pre-expansion patch for WoW: Classic – Cataclysm. Witness the arrival of the Aspect of the Black Dragonflight that will change the face of the world forever, bringing ruin to some locations while others get a second chance. On the system side of things, Cataclysm Classic will introduce an improved leveling experience, new dungeon difficulty system, and more!

The new expansion provides players with 7 new zones, a set of new dungeons and raids, the introduction of the Dungeon Journal feature, and much more. The game will also receive the Boss-based lock system, allowing players to do the 10 or 25-player version of bosses in the same week. Cataclysm also marks flying coming to Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. Alas, the Draenei and Blood Elf starting zones remain flightless.

The Shattering: Azeroth Transformed

A Changed Landscape

The most significant feature of the Cataclysm expansion is the massive world changes it introduces. The Cataclysm itself, caused by Deathwing's return, reshapes many of  WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold the existing zones in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Classic players will experience zones they’ve known for years being transformed dramatically, with some regions facing utter devastation while others are reborn anew.

New Zones

Cataclysm Classic adds seven new zones to explore:

Mount Hyjal: Players can assist the Guardians of Hyjal in defending the World Tree from Ragnaros and his minions.

Vashj’ir: An underwater zone where players battle the Naga in a breathtaking aquatic environment.

Deepholm: The elemental plane of earth, where players must aid the Earthen Ring in stabilizing the region.

Uldum: A desert region filled with ancient Titan lore and the malevolent forces of Deathwing.

Twilight Highlands: Home to the Twilight’s Hammer cult and the Black Dragonflight, this zone serves as a pivotal battleground against Deathwing’s forces.

The Lost Isles: Exclusive to Horde players, the Goblin starting area where their story begins.

Gilneas: The Worgen starting area, featuring a dark and atmospheric introduction to the new race.

System Overhauls and Improvements

Improved Leveling Experience

Cataclysm Classic brings significant changes to the leveling experience. The level cap is increased to 85, and the journey to max level has been streamlined with more engaging questlines and fewer grindy quests. The revamped zones offer a more cohesive and story-driven leveling experience, making it easier for new players to get into the game and for veterans to enjoy a refreshed adventure.

New Dungeon Difficulty System

One of the most notable system changes in Cataclysm Classic is the introduction of the new dungeon difficulty system. Players can choose between Normal and Heroic difficulties for  cheap WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold dungeons, with Heroic dungeons offering greater challenges and rewards. This system allows players to tailor their dungeon experience to their skill level and provides more endgame content for those seeking tougher challenges.

Boss-based Lock System

The expansion also introduces the Boss-based lock system, which allows players to engage the same boss in both the 10-player and 25-player versions of a raid within the same week. This flexibility enables more opportunities for players to experience raid content and collect gear without being restricted to one raid size per week.

New Races and Class Combinations

Worgen and Goblins

The Worgen and Goblins are the two new playable races introduced in Cataclysm Classic.

Worgen: These ferocious werewolves hail from the cursed kingdom of Gilneas. Players will experience a unique starting zone that tells the dark tale of the Worgen curse and their eventual alliance with the Alliance.

Goblins: Known for their ingenuity and love of profit, the Goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel join the Horde after their island home is destroyed. The Lost Isles serve as their starting zone, offering a quirky and explosive introduction to the Goblin race.

New Class Combinations

Cataclysm Classic also brings new class and race combinations, expanding the diversity of character creation. Players can look forward to playing as:

Dwarf Shaman

Tauren Paladin

Night Elf Mage

Human Hunter

Orc Mage

Blood Elf Warrior

These new combinations allow for more personalized characters and strategic gameplay options.

Professions and Gear Upgrades


A new secondary profession, Archaeology, is introduced in Cataclysm Classic. This profession allows players to uncover artifacts and learn about the ancient history of Azeroth. Archaeology provides unique rewards, including rare mounts, pets, and powerful items that can aid players in their adventures.


Reforging is a new system that lets players modify the secondary stats on their gear. This feature allows for greater customization and optimization of equipment, helping players to fine-tune their characters’ performance in both PvE and PvP environments.

Quality of Life Improvements

Dungeon Journal

The Dungeon Journal is a new feature that provides players with detailed information about dungeon and raid encounters. This in-game resource includes boss abilities, loot tables, and strategies, making it easier for players to prepare for and tackle challenging content. The Dungeon Journal is a valuable tool for both new and experienced players, ensuring everyone can approach dungeons and raids with confidence.

Flying in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor

Cataclysm Classic finally allows players to use their flying mounts in the original continents of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. This change significantly enhances the convenience and speed of travel across these vast regions. However, it’s important to note that the Draenei and Blood Elf starting zones remain flightless, maintaining some areas where ground travel is necessary.


WoW: Classic Cataclysm is set to revolutionize the Classic experience with its sweeping changes and new content. From the catastrophic arrival of Deathwing to the introduction of new races, zones, and systems, players have much to look forward to. The pre-expansion patch on May 20th marks the beginning of this epic journey, offering a glimpse into the shattered world and the challenges that lie ahead.

As Deathwing’s fiery wrath reshapes Azeroth, heroes from both the Alliance and Horde must rise to defend their world. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, Cataclysm Classic promises an engaging and transformative adventure that will test your skills and fortitude. Prepare to face the fire and fury of Deathwing and carve your path through the shattered realms of Azeroth.

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