Throne And Liberty's Combat Isn't Good Enough

As many of us expected, Throne And Liberty is a shiny new MMO with excellent graphics. It’s visually polished, has a range of PvE and PvP content, and will be released for cross-platform play between consoles and PC. Amazon has even started toning down its pay-to-win tendencies for the global release in September. This all sounds very promising, but after the few hours I’ve spent in the open beta, there’s one crushing disappointment: combat just isn’t good enough. In fact, it’s nowhere near good enough.

The Importance of Combat in MMOs

You’ll spend a lot of time ‘doing combat’ in Throne And Liberty. It’s an MMO. You grind mobs. You level up. You grind more mobs. That’s the cycle of life—love it, or hate it, that’s what you get. Combat is the core experience in any MMO, the primary mechanism through which players engage with the game world, progress their characters, and achieve their goals. In games like Throne and Liberty, where the grind is a fundamental part of the experience, the quality of combat can make or break the player’s enjoyment.

The Autoplay Legacy

Throne And Liberty originally featured autoplay combat, which was eventually removed in a patch on the Korean servers at the end of last year. However, there are still remnants of  buy Throne and Liberty Lucent autoplay in the game today, with the combat often feeling clunky, unresponsive, or stiff as a result. The removal of autoplay was a step in the right direction, aimed at giving players more control and engagement, but the execution has left much to be desired.

Comparison to Other MMOs

It’s still a tab-targeting system, so it's not as action-heavy as New World, but even compared to World of Warcraft, the combat is cumbersome. In New World, combat feels fluid and responsive, with each swing of the sword or casting of a spell carrying weight and impact. World of Warcraft, despite its age, still manages to deliver satisfying combat through well-designed mechanics and responsive controls. Throne And Liberty, on the other hand, struggles to offer a similar level of immersion and satisfaction.

The Issue of Clunky Mechanics

The remnants of autoplay have left the combat feeling mechanical and lifeless. Engaging with enemies often feels like going through the motions rather than an immersive, dynamic experience. Skills don’t chain together smoothly, and there’s a noticeable lag between input and action, breaking the flow of combat and making it feel less responsive.

Unresponsive Controls

One of the most frustrating aspects of combat in Throne And Liberty is the unresponsiveness of controls. There are moments when pressing a skill button does not immediately result in the corresponding action, leading to a delay that can be critical in fast-paced encounters. This lack of responsiveness can be particularly detrimental in PvP scenarios, where precise timing and quick reactions are crucial.

Stiff Animations

The combat animations in Throne And Liberty also contribute to the lackluster experience. They often appear stiff and robotic, lacking the fluidity and dynamism seen in other modern MMOs. This stiffness breaks the immersion and makes combat feel more like a chore than an exciting, engaging activity.

Combat Depth and Variety

Beyond the mechanical issues, the combat system itself lacks depth and variety. Many skills feel generic and uninspired, failing to differentiate classes and playstyles meaningfully. This lack of variety can lead to a monotonous experience, where combat becomes repetitive and dull rather than challenging and rewarding.

Potential for Improvement

Despite these issues, Throne And Liberty has potential. The game’s visuals, world design, and content breadth are all strong foundations upon which a better combat system could be built. Here are some ways the  buy TL Lucent  developers could improve the combat experience:

Responsive Controls: Ensuring that player inputs are translated into actions without delay is crucial. This requires fine-tuning the game's code to reduce input lag and make controls feel more immediate and satisfying.

Fluid Animations: Updating and refining combat animations to make them more fluid and dynamic would greatly enhance the immersion and enjoyment of combat.

Skill Variety and Synergy: Introducing more diverse and interesting skills, with clear synergies and unique effects, can add depth to the combat system. Players should feel excited to experiment with different builds and strategies.

Combat Flow: Ensuring that skills chain together smoothly, with appropriate cooldowns and interactions, can make combat feel more natural and engaging.

Community Feedback: Listening to player feedback and actively engaging with the community to understand their concerns and preferences can guide the developers in making targeted improvements.


Throne And Liberty has a lot going for it: stunning visuals, a rich world, and a variety of content that promises to keep players engaged for hours. However, the combat system, as it stands, is a significant drawback. In a genre where combat is the primary mode of interaction, the current state of Throne And Liberty's combat is simply not good enough.

The remnants of autoplay, unresponsive controls, stiff animations, and lack of skill variety all contribute to a lackluster experience that fails to meet the standards set by other modern MMOs. For Throne And Liberty to truly shine and live up to its potential, addressing these combat issues should be a top priority.

As we approach the global release in September, there’s still time for the developers to make meaningful changes. By focusing on improving combat responsiveness, animation fluidity, skill variety, and overall combat flow, Throne And Liberty can transform from a visually stunning MMO with a disappointing combat system to a truly engaging and immersive experience that players will love.

For now, the beta has left a sour taste for those who were excited about the game. The promise is there, but the execution needs a lot of work. If Amazon and the developers at NCSoft can take the feedback from the beta seriously and make the necessary improvements, Throne And Liberty has the potential to be a standout title in the MMO genre. Until then, the combat remains a glaring flaw in an otherwise promising game.

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