Story of dumb luck leading to a good early ladder trade

This happened just after I launched the ladder. The game was played by a fire druid through NM. I was looking for an appropriate pelt to create an Lore in at present. I found an uncolored pelt that had the option of +2/+3 or +3/+2 Armagedon as well as Volcano.

A solid pelt to my needs So I entered the cube recipe hoping for 2os. Then disappointment came in. It came out 3os. what do I use it for? (yea I completely forgot about the flickering flame) Well , I didn't want to toss it away but I was unable to create an etymological story out of it, so into the stash it was put away. I finally respecced on Wind to make my journey through Hell simpler and I am enjoying playing more.

I came across it while later , while clearing out my junk. Then I realized how stupid I was. The flickering Flame has been around for a while and is excellent pelt. It was eventually sold early on the ladder for around Jah worth. If it had been rolled 2os, I'd have been content, but then I have been a bit upset when I remembered the ff.

What are your thoughts on firing Druid? I'm just starting one, which is still at a low level however I find the very boring. It appears that the spells do damage but the graphics although very attractive however, look a little hazy and I'm not certain that I'm hitting enemies with fissures or the spell with the initial name I've forgotten. The Fireball spell from the Sorc is much more satisfying and looks more satisfying and clear, for instance. I'm not sure if it's only me.

I changed to wind, didn't I? lol. However, the Fire Druid is one of the most popular builds up to A4 NM where fire immunes begin to work.

I hit a wall in hell which is why after I killed Radament I reverted to a build that I was confident I could take down hell quick. The build was not perfect, and if I had to go back to it, there are some things I could change. In particular, I didn't pour money in summons because of all the abilities when playing in the fire arena you must increase to the max. However, I wonder was if it would've felt more comfortable if I had meat shields in place so that monsters are centered on a single area, so that they are constantly hit with fissures, volcanoes, Arma, whatever. I was always looking to increase my damage since it didn't seem like the wind tree was doing enough but it might help with this issue. One thing I really liked with the winds tree. it's a very low-cost expenditure, so you'll be able to obtain your summons for 1 point quickly.

The play style was a bit off for me. You make a fissure or volcano and then wait for them to move through the right places to be hit? Sometimes it works sometimes it's not so good. It might feel better after you purchase an item with fire res, fire res, or other statistics. I can't recall it feeling as terrible on my pre-ladder Druid when I played him. Also, he was fully decked out and had perfect ravenlore, with 5/-5. If you don't like it initially in the beginning, it's probably OP. I don't believe that you'll be thrilled with it when you're pushing across NM as well as Hell. I'd recommend in the race for while if your plan is to change to wind. Wind tends to be weaker earlier, and you generally do it as a fire standard at the very least.

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