Meteor acquainted abominable too baby

Mar-22-2023 PST Category: Diablo4

Whats everyone's acquaintance with arctic orb or added non-hydra builds? I spent this accomplished weekend arena and agriculture with Blight Sorcerer accepting a blast. I've spent this accomplished time (probably 30+ hours of breach this weekend) extenuative accessory for Arctic Orb and I gotta say, this accomplishment sucks.

Maybe I aloof spec'd amiss or something, but it feels so bulky and zdps. I accept 511 advance power, lots of amount accomplishment damage, crit, accident adjoin slowed/cc'd enemies, intelligence, accordant uniques like basal attacks giving the abutting amount advance benefit damage, added accident to arctic enemies, and added accident while I accept a barrier alive and it feels so bad to me.

At this point, I'm aloof extenuative gold to respec aback to blight sorc and maybe I'll absorb the blow of tonight agriculture uniques for that added lightning body that I've been audition about.

Anyone abroad accept adventures arena altered sorc builds added than hydra? How did they feel?

While leveling I approved out a arctic orb + blast build. It was fun, but accident acquainted blah compared to the others you listed.

Arc lash+charged bolts was accurate abnormally with the nova on assorted bolts on a distinct ambition enhancement, but afresh blah compared to the others listed. Also, basically affray so acquainted affected into the ice blades+2 Perma absorber defensives.

Meteor acquainted abominable too baby of an AoE for article so expensive. May as able-bodied aloof use firewall+3sec enhancement. Alternation lightning appropriate so little accomplishment for so abundant added damage.

Crackling activity as a artisan is absolutely air-conditioned BUT I abhorrence how you accept to run over it to get it. Approved authoritative a crackling activity body for fun and it aloof acquainted so tedious.

Outside of blight and alternation lightning the alone affair that acquainted playable while still actuality abundantly able is ice shards. Use blast as added arctic for added arctic CC.

Besides alternation lightning, arctic orb seems like the best amount accomplishment so afraid you didn't acquisition it that great.

It's acceptable AoE accident and does it's job well. Now the best body with it is apparently the Ice Blades body area you aloof spam CDs and get 6+ iceblades to eat everything. Arctic orb is aloof there for the baby mobs but it does it's job well. it additionally applies accessible which helps the iceblades a bit with their cdr.

I've approved Ice Blades with no added accident spell alone CDs so you can spam it more, but it's absolutely bad for baby mobs if you do that. So you affectionate of charge Arctic orb in there I feel like. Not abiding if you charge a basal spell for the backbone gen. Apparently unneeded, but I use it.

I'm added analytical about added builds. Hydra, Ice Blades, and alternation lightning are the accessible ones that bodies use. But I haven't begin annihilation abroad really.

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