Already more than 500,000 characters for Season 1 of Resurrected

May-05-2022 Categories: Diablo II Resurrected

Season 1 of D2R has been sent off since Friday and as Wowhead brings up, in excess of 500,000 characters have previously been made lately. This is additional evidence of the progress of Diablo 2 Resurrected after the declaration of 5 million duplicates sold last April.

To know the quantity of characters, you need to go to the rankings of the ladder and go through the pages individually.

1.Softcore Expansion: 450,000

2.Hardcore Expansion: 35,000

3.Classic Softcore: 13,000

4.Classic Hardcore: 1,000

Note that the quantity of characters is expanding rapidly since the assertion dates from yesterday and in the wake of checking, I am as of now at more than 18,500 for Classic Softcore and almost 2,000 for Classic Hardcore.

In the event that it doesn't take extremely lengthy to do it on account of D2C, it is significantly longer on Lord of Destruction and it is smarter to request that a little programming deal with the snaps for you since there are generally similar in excess of 30,000 pages on account of the Extension Softcore Tournament. So we'll trust WH.

If you want to know more about Diablo 2: Resurrected, and buy D2R ladder items quickly and safely, all at P2Pah.